Bid ‘n Buy Auction influenced by Hurricane Michael

The day began with clear blue skies, but with thousands of Hampton Roads residents without electricity. Hurricane Michael, downgraded to a tropical storm, caused more power outages than expected when it swept through Hampton Roads two nights earlier. The lingering...
Bid ‘n Buy Auction Date Announced for 2018

Bid ‘n Buy Auction Date Announced for 2018

The bid ‘n buy auction committee announces the 9th Annual bid ‘n buy auction for 2018 will be at the Hampton Baptist Church on Saturday, October 13, 2018. Mark your calendar and save the date. We are actively collecting auction items and anticipate another year of...
Another Successful Auction

Another Successful Auction

You Did It Again! Another successful auction – this time at a NEW location in Hampton, Virginia. Bidders responded with energy and enthusiasm to help raise funds for the Lions Charity Foundation. If you missed this year’s auction you missed a doozy. A huge array of...
Auction Moves to Hampton

Auction Moves to Hampton

The 2017 Bid ‘n Buy Charity Auction moves to Hampton on the Virginia Peninsula. This year’s auction will be at the Hampton Baptist Church, 40 Kings Way, Hampton, Virginia, November 4, 2017. We are excited to have the Hampton Baptist Church join us for our signature...
Our Best Auction Yet

Our Best Auction Yet

This year’s Bid ‘N Buy Auction was a smashing success despite the torrential rains caused by Hurricane Matthew. Lion Stan Furman, President of the Lions Charity Foundation of District 24D commented; “The depths of dedication to our Charity Foundation displayed by our...
Bid ‘n Buy Auction – Mark Your Calendar

Bid ‘n Buy Auction – Mark Your Calendar

The seventh annual bid ‘n buy auction is scheduled for October 8, 2016 at the Oak Grove United Methodist Church in Chesapeake. For details on the auction please click here.