LCF RAFFLE WINNERS. The 11th Annual Bid n’ Buy Charity Auction and Yard Sale for 2020 was cancelled, but as noted we did conduct the Charity Raffle drawing on Saturday, October 10th at the Bethany United Methodist Church. Winners of the Raffle are listed here.
1. $599 – Little Creek Lions Club
2. $400 – Virginia Association of workers for the Blind – Burkeville Lodge
3. $300 – Lion Pat Kerr, Williamsburg Host Lions Club
4. $200 – Windsor Lions Club
5. $100 – Lion Carey Freeman, Poquoson Lions Club
The Lions Charity Foundation thanks all who supported this years fundraising endeavor. Although the auction and most associated activities were cancelled we continued with the raffle. Thanks for helping the foundation turn a cancelled event into one with a positive outcome. As a result we were able to add a modest amount to our charity account to support our charity activities.