The Lions Charity Foundation of District 24D is counting on your support to make our 7th Annual Bid ‘N Buy Auction a roaring success. You should Dash as fast as a gazelle to the Oak Grove United Methodist Church 472 N. Battlefield Blvd., Chesapeake on Saturday, October 8, at 11:00 AM. Everyone in the pride can pounce on all the auction items just sitting there like easy prey. You won’t have to hunt for your next meal when you snatch up several restaurant gift certificates or choose to eat at home on your new kitchen dinette set. Take a cat nap poolside when you purchase one of our many hotel stays or walk numerous golf course grasslands brandishing your new set of clubs. Bid to spruce up your den with a brand new 65” Visio HD Smart TV, artwork, Goebel or Hummel figurines. Be the first one to pounce on items such as gift baskets, tools, chainsaws, jewelry, computers and more. You’ll be wearing a toothy grin when you walk out wearing a new waist-length mink fur coat. Don’t delay- mark your calendar today for the silent auction from 11 – 1; live auction 1-2. Gather all your friends, family and coworkers in your pride to venture to our purr-fect charity auction.

All net proceeds benefit the Lions Charity Foundation of District 24 D. Year-round the Charity Foundation distributes grants to assist Lions Clubs to provide charitable, scientific, literary, or educational endeavors in Southeastern Virginia communities. To view the auction program or learn more about the foundation visit our website at Additional questions can be emailed to PCC Lion Stan Furman at